subsidy counselling



Simple & reliable

Find out how much energy you can save. With our renovation roadmap, you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% subsidy for all eligible renovation measures*.


– Our services

Maximise your funding with our expertise and experience

When it comes to the refurbishment of residential and non-residential buildings, there are a wide range of options for applying for funding in various forms. Institutions such as the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), the Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) and the Energetische Sanierungsmaßnahmen-Verordnung (ESanMV) offer direct grants, low-interest loans with repayment subsidies and even the prospect of tax refunds, provided that the relevant requirements are met.

KfW and BAFA subsidies can be applied for not only as part of refurbishment projects, but also for new builds in the residential and non-residential sectors.

With experience of over 12000 successful applications for subsidies, we have continuously optimised our processes from analysis and application to support for subsidised construction projects. This expertise enables us to put together the best possible funding options for you from all available sources. Thanks to our many years of experience, you can always benefit from the best funding options.

Efficient solution finding and conflict prevention for construction projects

For you as the client, it is important to know that we always act out of court. Thanks to our multidisciplinary team, we have extensive construction expertise that extends deep into building physics, providing a solid basis for finding harmonious solutions to your project issues.

Our approach to finding solutions is based on a co-operative and collaborative approach. We work closely with all stakeholders to identify and resolve conflicts at an early stage before they escalate and lead to costly construction stoppages.


Our experts are committed to developing the best solutions for your specific concerns and we take great care to understand your individual needs and objectives. We are your point of contact when it comes to ensuring the successful and smooth realisation of your construction projects.

In summary, as surveyors, we specialise in helping you find solutions, minimise disputes and avoid construction stoppages. We are your trusted partner, working out of court to achieve the best results for your construction project.


This approach saves everyone involved valuable energy, time and, above all, money.


Calculate your personal subsidy rates now
for 2025!

Get an initial overview free of charge and without obligation
Fast, simple and comprehensive
Uncomplicated basis for an initial consultation

Your advantages with us

Our expertise for you

Many years of extensive experience in the construction industry!

25 years of experience in the construction industry. Over 12000 successful funding applications.
Over 2500 construction projects per year.

Comprehensive advice, planning and support.

With us, you have a contact partner for your wishes and ideas, from the design to the completion of your building project.

Guaranteed maximum funding!

Thanks to our TK Academy, we are always up to date with the latest information on the best possible subsidies.