


Discover our “Individual renovation roadmap” for customized, efficient building renovations.

The individual renovation roadmap helps you to plan the renovation of your single-family, two-family or multi-family home step by step. It also provides you with a long-term and detailed overview of potential refurbishment measures and their savings potential.

– Energy consulting

How do we create your individual renovation roadmap?

The individual renovation roadmap is based on a personal on-site consultation. Together with one of our energy consultants, we draw up a roadmap for the renovation of your home that is tailored to the property and your ideas.

Additional, non-energy-related measures can also be considered during the consultation, be it barrier-free conversion, extending the living space, adding a storey, improving living comfort or integrating ecological building materials.

The evaluation of the current energy status of the building forms the basis for gaining a comprehensive impression of the property and identifying possible potential for sustainable value enhancement through refurbishment. Depending on your requirements, we offer various options in terms of the scope of the evaluation and the consultancy report.

For better illustration, the current energy status is shown in seven different color categories. Dark green represents the highest efficiency level, while dark red indicates the lowest efficiency level.

"Individual renovation plan: Efficient measures for your home"

The classic refurbishment plan provides a step-by-step overview of the refurbishment. A total of 2 to a maximum of 5 such successive refurbishment packages can be created, each comprising up to 5 refurbishment components. You will also receive information on the timing and costs of the respective efficiency measures.

Once the plan has been drawn up, we will discuss all the recommended measures with you.

We can provide you with a subsidy of 80% of the costs up to a maximum of €1,300.00 for the preparation of the individual renovation plan.

Before you wish to implement a measure from your individual renovation roadmap, please contact us directly so that we can advise you on the correct implementation and the corresponding subsidies for the renovation measure.

Please note: Measures that are not listed in the individual renovation plan cannot be funded with the renovation roadmap bonus. A separate application without a renovation roadmap bonus is required for such measures. As our customers often do not know at the time of the initial consultation which refurbishment measures they would like to carry out in two years’ time or the future owners of the house, we are happy to offer a comprehensive consultation in which we also mention measures that are not currently to be implemented.

Your advantages with us

Our expertise for you

Many years of extensive experience in the construction industry!

25 years of experience in the construction industry. Over 12000 successful funding applications.
Over 2500 construction projects per year.

Comprehensive advice, planning and support.

With us, you have a contact partner for your wishes and ideas, from the design to the completion of your building project.

Guaranteed maximum funding!

Thanks to our TK Academy, we are always up to date with the latest information on the best possible subsidies.

Apply for a renovation roadmap now!

Secure an extra 5% subsidy
Individual refurbishment proposals to reduce your energy costs
Profitability comparison with regard to the upcoming CO2 tax
Personal advice with up to 50% state funding

Frequently asked questions

We answer for you

What is an individual renovation roadmap?

The individual renovation roadmap is a detailed action plan tailored to your needs. As an experienced energy consultant, we analyze your building comprehensively, identify potential energy savings and create a holistic renovation roadmap based on this. This plan takes into account not only energy-related aspects, but also economic and ecological factors in order to achieve the best possible results for your company.

How is an individual renovation roadmap drawn up?

The “Individual renovation roadmap” is created in the following steps:

1. initial consultation and needs analysis: discussion of goals and challenges.
2. energy efficiency analysis: comprehensive examination of building aspects.
3. target definition: definition of measurable refurbishment targets.
4. catalog of measures: Creation of a detailed plan for structural changes and technology integration.

5. profitability analysis: examination of ecological and economic viability.

6 Implementation and project management: Efficient, high-quality implementation of the measures.

7. monitoring and adjustment: Continuous monitoring and adjustment of the plan for long-term efficiency and sustainability.

What are the advantages of an individual renovation roadmap?

The renovation roadmap not only offers you energy savings, but also long-term cost benefits and an optimized living environment. By customizing the renovation roadmap to your home, it ensures that the proposed measures are optimally tailored to your needs, resulting in an energy-efficient and sustainable living space.