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Important information regarding subsidies for refurbishment measures in 2024

Important information regarding subsidies for refurbishment measures in 2024

Additional information to the article from 21.12.2023


What information is available on applying for funding for residential buildings?

The revised funding guideline “Federal funding for efficient buildings – individual measures” was published in the Federal Gazette on 29 December 2023.


When can funding applications for a heating system replacement be submitted again?

The new subsidy will be introduced gradually over the course of 2024. Homeowners who live in their own single-family homes will probably be able to submit applications for the new heating subsidy from 27 February 2024.


What funding options will be available from 27 February 2024?

There are both grants and low-interest supplementary loans for individual energy-related measures. However, the supplementary loan can only be applied for in conjunction with a grant approval from the KfW for heating subsidies and/or a grant notification from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) for individual energy-related measures. It is not possible to apply for the supplementary loan independently. You can find further details in the article dated 21.12.2023. Nothing has changed with regard to the funding details.


Further information:

The opportunity to apply will be opened up to other groups of applicants in the course of 2024 (exact dates to be announced):

Private landlords of single-family homes, owners of multi-family homes, homeowners’ associations, companies, local authorities.


Are there currently transitional periods for applying for subsidies for residential buildings?

If you are planning to modernise your heating system, you can already benefit from the increased funding rates that have applied since the new BEG Individual Measures Directive came into force on 29 December 2023. Eligible applicants can already commission and implement eligible heating replacement projects (with the exception of network extensions and building conversions). The funding application for the heating replacement must then be submitted by 30 November 2024 at the latest, provided the project begins between the publication date and 31 August 2024. This allows applications to be submitted retrospectively, i.e. after the start of the measures.


Can I commission my heating system replacement according to the current status of the subsidy programme?

You can commission and carry out the heating replacement immediately, and the application can be submitted at a later date as soon as the application to KfW is possible for your group.


Why is there a transitional arrangement for the new subsidies in 2024?

This transitional regulation aims to ensure a smooth transition from the old to the new funding regulations. It only applies to heating subsidies from KfW.


From when can applications for funding for the renovation of the building envelope, system technology and heating optimisation be submitted in 2024?

Technical applications for the construction, conversion and extension of building networks and for other efficiency measures (building envelope, system technology and heating optimisation) can be submitted to BAFA from 1 January 2024. In this case, no transitional regulation applies and is not required.


What should I do if my heating system is already faulty?

If your heating system has already broken down, you need to act quickly. In such cases, temporary heating solutions can be subsidised for up to one year, provided that a new heating system based on renewable energies is installed at the end of this period. The costs for the temporary heating technology can be included in your application together with the costs for the permanent heating system.


Is there any other important information on the current processing of subsidies?

There are no transitional regulations for the subsidisation of building network extensions, conversions and other efficiency measures. In these cases, the application must be submitted to BAFA before the start of the project from 1 January 2024.


What if I have already applied for funding under the old conditions or have already started my measures?

Can I switch to the new funding programme, and if so, how?

It is important to note that a change is only possible if you have not yet started your eligible project. It is no longer possible to switch once the project has started.

For heating funding, if you waive your commitment after the new BEG Individual Measures Funding Guideline comes into force on 29 December 2023, you can submit a new application under the new funding conditions immediately after submitting the waiver. In this case, the six-month blocking period is lifted until 31 December 2024. A flexible switch from the old to the new funding regulations is therefore possible.


We refer to the following sources in our article:

Picture of TK Baupartner GmbH

TK Baupartner GmbH