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Unser Blog zum Thema Energieberatung // Energiegesetze // Fördermittel und vieles mehr


Unser Blog zum Thema Energieberatung // Energiegesetze // Fördermittel und vieles mehr

Will energy consulting be mandatory in 2024?

Will energy consulting be mandatory in 2024?

From January 1, 2024, a mandatory energy consultation will be required if you intend to install a heating system that uses liquid or gaseous fuels. This advice can be provided by qualified energy efficiency experts. The obligation to seek advice even applies if you have to temporarily install a gas or oil heating system as an interim solution due to a heating failure.
The main aim of this consultation is to point out the economic impact of rising CO2 prices and to present alternative heating options. Although exact information on the duration and content of this advice has not yet been determined, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) plans to publish a guide to this. Stay tuned to receive all the necessary information in good time.
As soon as there is any news, we will inform you via the TK Baupartner blog!

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TK Baupartner GmbH